Jim Bontrager

Jim Bontrager Profile Photo


Jim is a United States Marine and serves as full time Chaplain with the Elkhart Police Department in Elkhart, Indiana. He holds his Diplomate Chaplain credentials with the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC) and serves as President of the organization. He is a recipient of the 2012 Wilbert A. Cunningham Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement Chaplaincy, a 2013 Excellence in Leadership Award from Pointman Leadership Institute, the 2016 recipient of the Richard S. Kassel Award, the 2017 recipient of the Pilsung Warrior Award, and a 2018 recipient of the John A. Price Excellence in Chaplaincy Award. Jim was appointed a Sagamore of the Wabash by Indiana Governor Mike Pence in 2015. He is author of the official law enforcement curriculum for the movie Courageous. He is an IN State certified Law Enforcement Instructor as well as an instructor with the ICPC. He is and founder/ director of Warrior on the Wall which works to address law enforcement suicide, family breakdown, and the unique emotional/ spiritual challenges to the profession.

May 15, 2024

Can the Department Chaplain Help Me Even Though I’m Not Religious?

You may have never thought your agency’s chaplain had anything to offer you. But today’s guest, Jim Bontrager may surprise you with how down-to-earth and practical your chaplain can be when you really need them. Have you ever...

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